Sunday, January 6, 2013

Android ICS "TwLauncher has stopped"

Every now and then, especially after moving some applications to the SD card or using the Today Calendar widget, the TwLauncher home screen freezes upon a reboot, with the error:
Unfortunately, Twlauncher has stopped

It is a common occurrence in Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS, Android 4.0), and seems to be gone in the Jelly Bean Android system version (+4.1).

A quick fix :
1. Click OK in the error message box.
2. Quickly slide the home page to the second page (or the previous one), that is: left or right.

Now, Option A, which hopefully will work
3. Pinch the screen in so that all the pages, including the home page, are seen.
4. Delete the page the widget that crashes your phone. (Most likely than not, it will be the Calendar Today widget, not necessarily on the home page.)

Alternative B:
3. If you can, go to Settings, Applications, All
4. Select the TwLauncher entry
5. Select Clear Data.
You will thus delete the folders, widgets, etc. on the home screen and in the Applications group.
Don't worry: your messages, pictures, contacts and other files, etc. will be left intact.
6. Possibly, restore the TwLauncher application data from your previous backup, e.g. via Titanium Backup.

Alternative C:
(Sine qua non: your Android phone should be connected to the Internet while the screen locking bug is on.)
3. Go to Google Android Play (aka: Market) from any other computer.
4. Log in using the credentials used in the locked Android phone.
5. Install an alternative Home launcher, e.g. Go Launcher Ex, or the best of the ones I tested, 360 Launcher.

See here for more details.

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