Sunday, September 14, 2014

Movie Maker (any version) AppCrash when importing audio or video

If you try to use Movie Maker Live (MovieMaker.exe) or older 2.6 Movie Maker (MovieMK.exe) to import MP3 or videos, it may crash with a bang. I will spare you the details (the Data Execution Prevention - DEP etc.), but tell what worked for me.

Nokia Ovi Suite installed a set of nasty incompatible Emuzed codecs:

which kept crashing the system. Remove them with SysIntervals Autoruns tool (search for "Emuzed" and "Nokia" everywhere and delete the branches).
It should start to work again upon a reboot.

Google Blogger bug: hidden code inserted to posts

Alas, it is impossible to edit posts in Blogger now.

Every new post has this secret HTML code inserted:

and then the mouse and content start jumping around in FireFox.

Google - fix it please!